As a Trauma-Informed Success Coach & PSYCH-K® facilitator, I help successful women and female entrepreneurs uncover, heal and release internal unconscious blocks to become sucessful in all areas of their life!

It is my passion to work with high-achieving entrepreneurs one on one and give them the support they need to turn their dreams a reality.

My life looked perfect from the outside but inside I was drowning. Living with the thoughts that my family would be better off without me, walking through life like a zombie, thinking that this was it, that feeling as if I wanted to die was the only way to live, and that I just had to suck it up and deal with it.

I worked on myself and did it!

I improved the quality of my life in ALL aspects. I built the self-confidence and courage to leave my prestigious 6 figures corporate career where I worked for 12+ years and follow my hearts desires. I can now confidently say that my life is aligned with all of my desires.

Which is why I now feels it is my responsibility to support women find the confidence, certainty, clarity, and courage to build a life they truly desire because I am living PROOF!

I use all the tools and processes that I have gathered through the years of building my own mind, body, soul connection to best serve my clients. Throughout the coaching process, I am their utmost cheerleader who empowers them to take the necessary steps to make their dreams a reality.

Peace, Purpose, and Prosperity - Elvira Cabreja

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