Transformational Diary
In this Beginner’s Guide to the 5 Love Languages, I’m going to help you explore the foundations that support successful and effective communication with the people in your life and guide you towards a better understanding of why “we are the way we are”.
It’s hard not to follow the crowd…
The thing is that in my virtual fitness group everyone was talking about doing the next BIG program. It’s brand new with amazing results.
I still have a few pounds to lose after having baby #3, but I didn’t want to commit to this crazy ass workout routines that I may fail at. I don’t want to feel pressured into feeling guilty for not doing something. In my logical mind, the right thing to do was just to say NO.
This was the very beginning of my awakening!
I couldn’t see it while going through it, I could only see it once I had gone through this dark time in my life!
Although painful, I am so very grateful to have gone through it because it lead me to such knowledge and awareness and ultimately led me to my life’s work!