I remember seeing a post on Facebook a few years ago asking when did your awakening start.
The first thought that came to my mind was “how could someone possibly know when it started?”
When I began to look through the comments, and I saw a lot were when something very major happens to them, such as someone’s death, or a major accident, etc. but I also saw people saying something very small such as a dream, a feeling, etc.
This one post got me thinking that when did my awakening start. I didn’t have anything “major” happen to me, nor did I see anything that small of a dream that told me to look into, none of that resonated with me. All I did know is that I was definitely awakening.
“The beautiful thing is when you ask, you will receive it.”
So randomly one day I got a vision of when my mom was in a coma and I wanted to die. Like literally die!
You see, my mom was my absolute everything. I wouldn’t do anything without her consent. Mind you, I’m a grown woman married with a child, and I still wouldn’t do anything without her consent. I know, super unhealthy… I’ll come back to this another time.
Anyways, back to my awakening… In 2010, I was possibly in one of the highest points of my life: I was married to an amazing man (still am😊), owned a beautiful home, started working in a prestigious retail company in their IT department, and had a 7-month-old baby girl, so technically I had checked all the boxes. My life looked even better than I visualized….but I wanted to die, LITERALLY DIE, as my mom was “dying”😳.
She (thank goodness) did not die. She was in a coma for 11 days and woke up as if nothing was happening. She went on to continue her life as usual.
But, I couldn’t shake this off. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I just didn’t care about anything in my life... Not even that gorgeous little girl waiting for me at home.
This scared me so deeply that I ran to my husband and shared all of this. I am very thankful that he has always and continues to give me a safe place to speak about these things. After discussing this with him, I realized that I had to do something and that something was to see a therapist.
And that’s what I did. I began to see a therapist and continued for the next 5 years. She helped me immensely understand what I was going through, open my eyes to things that I couldn’t see, and gave me the hope that I so desperately needed to see, the light at the end of the tunnel!
This was the very beginning of my awakening!
I couldn’t see it while going through it, I could only see it once I had gone through this dark time in my life!
Although painful, I am so very grateful to have gone through it because it leads me to such knowledge and awareness and ultimately led me to my life’s work!
Do you know when your awakening started?!
Share below I always love hearing the different ways we begin to awaken!